Price Range:
- Female Packages, L$1-4,800
- Female Animations/Poses, L$30-150
- Male Packages, L$99-2,300
- Male Animations/Poses, L$49-150
- Couples Animation Package, L$3,800
- Huddles, L$149-1,499
In Their Own (Key) Words:
This is a mall I started for animators back in January of 2006. In May of 2007 we moved to a dedicated island sim and greatly expanded.Language(s): English
Animations for your AO, sits, stands, walks:
Long Day, Landing, Just Like a Lady, Mope, Patience, Honkey Tonk, Pop the Question, Temper Tantrum, Little Tantrum, F You, Curtsy, Curtsey, Front Flip. Trinity Matrix, gesture, false modesty, nuzzle, first embrace, sexy walk, propose marriage, crawl, all fours, lick paw, toastable wine glass sculptie, yawn and stretch.
SLURL: (Mature)
Last Updated: June 12, 2009