Sunday, April 4, 2010


Cyberpunk has never been more punk (even though DV8 describes itself as cybergoth, which is more accurate). And OMG, the color variations, free accessories, an unpack patio, three lucky chairs, a riotvend (mobvend) and hopefully soon a discount attic. You can get lost in the shoe section alone, and the currently empty second floor implies more is to come. There are a few DSC2/CSS weapons and some clothes for men.

Price Range:
  • Clothes, L$150-400
  • Outfits, L$1,100-1,400
  • Shoes, L$250-400
  • Accessories, L$75-300
  • Hair, L$200, Packs L$2,500
  • Furniture, L$2,500
  • Weapons, L$750
  • Eyes, $
Owner/Staff: Dysturbed Sin and Vasha Martinek - Co-Owners

In Their Own (Key) Words:
Dys and I own this (not so little anymore) shop that specializes in cybergoth gear (hair, clothes, boots & more) and assorted steampunk & goth goods too. It's a labor of love, where you can spend a little cash or a lot, and generally come home with things that make you happy. Plus you shopping here pays for my trips to see Dys, so get shopping. =P

*** STORE INFO ***

Refunds - we don't give them unless you bought the same thing twice in a row.

Things are clearly marked and permissions are always listed. Make sure you're buying the right thing and you're happy with permissions.

Most of our items are copiable. Make copies before you edit, so you won't have to buy another if you break it.

If you'd like to buy gifts, many of our items are on SLX, and we're always adding more.

All that said, we like people to be happy - so if you have a problem you feel we can help you with, feel free to contact me or Dysturbed Sin.

accessories cyber goth hair cyborg fetish cosplay vampire industrial rivethead ebm neko
Language(s): English

SLURL: (Mature)


Last Updated: April 4, 2010

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